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Pontes Duel

title:Pontes Duel
download page:link
genre:Action Games
developer:Pontes games
release:September, 2011
last edit by:staindaddict


This is a game where two people can battle it out in certain situations.. You can play against the computer as well, but it's not as fun.

When you start the game, you decide who's going to host, and you need port 9995 open to allow connection. If connection is successful, you start right away.

There's different levels in this game.. For example, sword fighting, boxing, horse dueling, guns on the ice, ETC. You move left and right with your arrow keys, and in some cases you can jump with the up arrow. Not all modes do that though, I know the horse moad you can jump.

You have to win the best of ten rounds, and you have to score 15 points to win a round. You press the space bar to fire at your opponent when they're right in front of you. When you run out of amo or energy in a fight, you press the enter key to reload.

You can find out more about Pontes games on The pontes games page on The audiogame archive site


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